Welcome to ShopLot

Shop and find what you need, everything from electronics, fashion, home, sports and more.

Available on the App Store and Google Play Store

ShopLot app by WooSignal

All you need in one place

Discover and buy on the go

Manage your account on the App

Support for all your queries

App preview

Marketplace for everyone

Browse and make orders with our mobile app.

Our mission is to provide you with the best mobile shopping experience, create a free account today and get started.

ShopLot mobile app

Want to sell and have a WooCommerce store? Join today and get your store listed.

search for products #1 Find some products

Explore the products from our sellers on ShopLot, we have a collection of featured products too.

items in the cart #2 Items in the cart?

Since you found something nice, it's time to checkout, proceed to the next step.

checkout #3 Completed your order?

You'll get a confirmation email of the transaction, now sit back and wait for the order.

Why ShopLot?

  • Payments are a breeze

    When making purchases you can use almost any card in the app

  • App updates

    We'll send you updates on the app so you're up to date

Want to join ShopLot?